Massage is the wellness secret we want to share with everyone. It's for young and old, friends, caregivers, couples, and family. Massage literally changes our body chemistry for the better. It delightfully boosts health, in oh so many researched ways.
Clinical testing has shown massage increases relaxation hormones, such as oxitocin and dopamine. These hormones facilitate healing in the body, promote psychological stability and focus, and increase feelings of well-being, connection and trust in people. Massage also decreases stress hormones, such as cortisol, which often sets the stage for illness, anxiety, and disease.
Today, lets explore just one of these benefits of massage: How massage heals sore muscles.
It is widely known that massage after an intense workout feels good. Much research has found massage benefits healing, based on self report. However, the Feb. 1, 2012 issue of Science Translational Medicine reported on research that examined muscle biopsies to show that massage reduced the production of cytokines, which produce inflammation in the body. Massage also increased the functioning of mitochondria, which increase cell function and repair vital to healing in the body.
Although taking a medicinal anti-inflammatory or Nsaids, such as ibuprofen, can be needed at times, it's important to understand that while these do help decrease inflammation and pain, they may actually slow the healing process. Massage on the other hand, decreases inflammation and speeds healing. With massage, you really can have your cake and eat it too!
Click this highlighted link to read the full New York Times article about how massage heals muscle tissue.
Excellent places to find a professional massage therapist:
The Esalen Massage and Bodywork Association
Massage Magazine--Find a Therapist Tool
Massage your friends and family....
Massage belongs to everybody and doesn't need to be a big expense. Classes and workshops may be available in your area, for the non-professional to learn a bit about massaging. Thrive Wellness is currently offering a workshop combining massage and yoga to get you started!